Thursday, August 15, 2013

It's so hard to watch you go through the things you're going through right now. I know they're just part of life, and we all have to muck our way through this stuff sometimes, but it doesn't make it any easier to watch.

I want to fix it for you. It is my job as a mom, after all. At least it was for a really long time. But even then, when you were just a child, you'd take some time to think and come back with the best solution or answer. You did know how to make great choices for a kid - when you took the time to breathe and think. The best part was you always felt good about it too.

This time of your life is so pivotal, and it's harder for me to stay quiet than other times. I think it's because you're entering the world outside of college or the military, and you're going into areas I know a lot about. I know a lot about it because I've been very successful in this realm, and I've made a lot of mistakes too. I also know a lot about making dreams come true, and getting what you want out there - I think I'm better at that than anyone I know. I've always had the gift of getting what I want in the real world - by knowing what matters to people, and how to be most useful to others. That's really important, and it's fun because it makes them happy - and in turn, I get to experience things I really want to experience.

Mostly, I wish I could tell you - don't be afraid to call people directly and meet people in unusual ways. Use social media and tell them you want to work for them. Take the time to look into what your personality is best suited to. Right now, I don't know how to help you because I have no idea what kind of job you're looking for - I only know you want to work in the oil business. I wish I could talk to you more, and find out how I can help you. If you want my help, please call and talk to me one day soon. I am here for you....but don't want to push myself on you.

If you find something that you love and it makes money, awesome! If you find something you love, and it doesn't make a lot of money, awesome too. Just be happy doing what you do, and put your heart and soul into it. Living a passionate life is a powerful reward.

 New York City is here with a free place to live right now, and that could be a great opportunity for you if just for a little while. Just want to remind you that you could take a 6 month break and get a job in the city just for your resume. Who knows where it could lead! That's what happened to one of the best firms in NY...and it's gotten me in so many doors I never would've been able to enter in my life.

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