Friday, May 24, 2013

The Sweet Point is in the Balance.

I love this picture. It's a powerful metaphor for what really matters and our ability to recognize those things.  What matters most can appear so lightweight or trivial that it's sent to the back of the line as priorities go. These seemingly fluffy or lightweight things often carry the same weight as what seems most important, like showing up for work, saving money, good credit, etc.  Don't forget the light stuff. It carries a lot of weight in the big scheme of things.

Keep it in the balance. That's where life's sweet point lives.

Kind words.

Drinking water.

A good night's sleep.

Kissing your wife and children good night.

A face that lights up whenever your kids walk in the door.

A cold rag and holding your wife's hair back when she throws up.

Leaving a note for those you love in unexpected places at unexpected times.

Saying Please, Thank You, and God Bless You.

Giving thoughtful gifts - what they want, not what's easy.

Smelling the first flowers of spring.

Playing hopscotch with the neighbor kids when you don't have kids yet...or don't have kids home anymore.

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